You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught

Throughout life, we create beliefs and values based on what we’re taught and what we experience, which affects much of our lives. Dr. Harvey M. Chiles believes that in order to succeed in life and be the best we can be, we must be carefully taught. Read our blog post to learn more about how what we’ve been taught plays a role in our lives.

Dr. Chiles is a life coach who uses his extensive knowledge and background to provide people with the speaking, coaching, and consulting needed to help them find success in their careers and personal lives. Read on to learn more and reach out to Dr. Chiles to create a life plan today!

You Can’t Cure Stupid
Dr. Chiles believes you can neither cure nor change stupid, but you can cure ignorance with accurate information and experience. It’s important to seek information from proper sources and experiences designed to help us expand our knowledge and grow.
You Must Face the Truth 

For many, the saying “ignorance is bliss” is taken to the extreme. Oftentimes, people remain ignorant because the truth is too painful for them to face, so they bury their heads in the sand. You must face the truth in order to expand your knowledge, even if the truth is not something you want to hear.

The Race Construct 

Racism continues to be a growing problem in not only our country, but countries across the world. Throughout the last decade, we have seen more and more race violence in the US, and it has seriously harmed our society. Dr. Chiles states that race is a construct designed to make white people believe they are superior, further perpetuating race issues. It’s important to break down this line of thinking to help make our world a more peaceful, equitable place.

Biology, Science, & Facts 

While we all have our own values and beliefs, it’s important to understand that biology, science, and facts trump everything, even what you may believe. In fact, much of what you may believe is wrong, which is why we, as a society, must be carefully taught to determine what is real and what is a belief.

Change Is Painful 

It is human nature to be set in our ways, as it’s what often makes us feel comfortable. But, while change is painful it is also a part of life. Change is something you will either do yourself, or something that will be done to you — there is no other way. Changing is an inevitable part of life.

Expand Your Mind — Reach Out to Dr. Chiles Today 

Much of what we’ve been taught throughout our lives is simply wrong. Prejudice, racism, biases, and everything in between are concepts we’ve learned that are simply incorrect. This keynote from Dr. Chiles discusses our responsibility to correct false history and narratives shown by schools and the media. Reach out to Harvey Chiles today to learn more about finding your potential.



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