I am dancing as fast as I can

Change is an inevitable part of life, and it’s important to know how to handle it. Harvey Chiles is a life coach that is here to help you better understand change and create a life plan to help you deal with it. Doing so can help ensure you make the most out of life. Learn more below and contact Harvey Chiles to get started today!

Change Is Not the Problem 

In life, many of us have come to believe that change is the problem. We feel that life should remain stagnant and that things are wrong when they begin to change. However, Harvey Chiles believes the opposite. He believes that we are in fact the problem, and that change is an inevitable, healthy part of life.

COVID-19 Has Caused Change 

One of the largest historical events in our lifetime is COVID-19, which has caused many changes. From remote work to complete shutdowns, some changes have been positive, and some have been negative. Again, it’s important to decide how you react to the changes it has caused.

React or Respond 

Because change is inevitable, it will happen in each of our lives many times, whether we want it to or not. The key to changing happily and successfully is whether we react or respond to the changes around us.

Nothing Lasts Forever 

Everything in life is fleeting, including life itself. It’s important to remember that nothing lasts forever. As Harvey Chiles would say, “If you believe it does, go visit a cemetery.” It’s important to be prepared for change and never get too attached in life, as they will inevitably shift and change, sometimes disappearing.

Never Stop Thinking 

Life’s various events cause us to think differently as we grow up and gain more experience. Therefore, you should always be shifting your thoughts and mindset. Harvey Chiles believes that if you think today the same way you thought five years ago, you stopped thinking five years ago. Creating a life plan and finding your potential can help you ensure you never stop thinking. 

Contact Harvey Chiles for a Life Coach

Looking for a life coach to help you create a plan and find your potential? Harvey Chiles can help you create a life plan to be prepared and embrace change. Contact Dr. Chiles today to get started!


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