The High School Diploma Is Unnecessary

Throughout our lives, society has created the idea that graduating from high school and receiving a diploma is a must in order to find success, but life coach Dr. Harvey M. Chiles states that that’s not actually the case and that the high school diploma is unnecessary. Learn more and reach out to Harvey Chiles to begin your life plan today.

A Vestige of the Carnegie Unit 

Harvey Chiles believes that the high school diploma is a vestige of the Carnegie Unit and seat time, making it an outdated concept that is not necessary to our future successes. A significant number of high school students grow extremely bored after the excitement and nervousness of freshman year passes, meaning they don’t get the most out of their education that they possibly could.

Athletic Competition, Not Intellectual Competence 

In today’s world, high school is centered around athletics and not on academics. Rather than being taught valuable lessons in the education system, students are taught to make sports and clubs a priority, providing them with experiences that are not valuable in the long-term. Harvey Chiles states that high schools only exist to perpetuate the athletic competition rather than to foster a genuine education.

Diplomas Are Unnecessary for College  

Dr. Chiles aims to help students understand that you don’t need a high school diploma to go to college. Instead, the politics of education, as well as the need for babysitters throughout our society keeps the system upright. In other words, instead of high school being an educational experience, it is often used as a means of babysitting students until they are of age to be sent off to college.

High School Is an Unequal and Unjust System 

The high school system is often based upon property taxes, and Harvey Chiles states that any system that functions this way is inherently unequal and unjust, doing more harm to our society than good.

Find a Life Coach Today 

Society puts a significant amount of pressure on finishing high school and getting a diploma, but what most people don’t realize is the lack of value that the education system actually provides at this level. Life coach Harvey Chiles is here to help you understand why you don’t need a high school diploma to be successful and what steps you can take to achieve your goals otherwise. Learn more and contact Harvey Chiles today!


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